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Are UFOs a CIA psyop (to scare the Russians)? Former MUFON director James Carrion says yes

May 11, 2012Comments No comments

Interesting reasoning from the former MUFON director James Carrion, who says the entirety of UFO phenomena is explainable as a historical government plot to, initially, scare the Russians:

A careful analysis of the events that surround June and July 1947, the birth date of the modern day UFO era shows that what transpired around the well-known UFO cases of Maury Island, Kenneth Arnold, and Roswell itself, was part of a grand deception to convince the Soviets that the United States and its allies had a new secret weapon that would keep the Soviet Union at bay in the event of an armed conflict. Of course no such weapon existed, but that was the plan to begin with – get the Russians to take interest in something so grandiose that ignoring it would not be an option.

So when did the CIA decide it was time to stop the operation? ‘Cause it sure seems to be ongoing.

Read the whole article over at Carrion’s blog – Follow the Magic Thread.

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