The WikiLeaks Roundtable is a new forum for WikiLeaks to talk to everyone around the world. In the past we have often spoken to the public through the press, but we are dedicated to bringing important news directly into the public domain, with the full record available to all and not filtered by intermediaries. Therefore we will be holding regular conferences where we answer your questions directly.
During the first conference, Pierre Brunet from Canada asks if WikiLeaks will release information about UFOs, to which Assange answers:
I have said in passing that there is information about UFO’s in Cablegate. And that is true, but these are only small passing references. Most of the material concerns UFO cults and there behavior in recruiting people.
For instance there is quite a large cable which we will try to release in the next few days concerning the Raëlians, a UFO cult which has a strong presence in Canada and was a concern to the US ambassador in Canada.
At that time the Raëlians claimed to have cloned an Individual and fantastically the press all around the world ate this up and turned it into front page stories.