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British 2012 crop circle season is in full swing

British 2012 crop circle season is in full swing
Every summer, the small English county of Wiltshire sees a plethora of crop circles that seemingly appear overnight in its many fields. Most of the crop circles are made in late July, but the season is already off to a great start. Man made or not, these crop circles are indeed [...]

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Documentary: NASA’s Unexplained Files

Documentary: NASA’s Unexplained Files
Countless mysterious objects have been caught by NASA's cameras. Many astronauts have even reported seeing unidentified flying objects. In this special, we'll reveal NASA's top ten unexplained encounters using original footage and groundbreaking interviews with astronauts and scientists.

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Criteria for habitable planets and implications for Earth

Criteria for habitable planets and implications for Earth
What makes a habitable planet? The Triple Helix Online has a very interesting write-up on the subject: The search for extraterrestrial life has always been one of our greatest fascinations with the universe, and there is no better time to be fascinated than now. With the advent of newer technology, the [...]

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We live in such a beautiful galaxy

We live in such a beautiful galaxy
Today’s Astronomy Picture of the Day is simply spectacular. The astrophotographer, Luc Perrot, waited for nearly two years for the sky and clouds to be just right to get the below shot.

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