Articles tagged with “australia”
This morning (27 March 2013) at 7.18AM, I saw what looked like a large, bright star in the sky. It had rays of light emanating from it. I didn't think it was an airplane because it was not moving. I rushed inside to get my camera, took some photos and just as quickly the shining object disappeared. I was surprised when I saw the images on my computer, because I could then see a rough spherical object with light around it. The image I have submitted is the original, however a close-up reveals that the object has some kind of swirl within it.

New Zealand Herald News reports of an unprecedented number of UFO sightings reported in the North Island over the past two months. Suzanne Hansen, director from Ufocus NZ research network, is quoted as saying:
I’ve got 30 (UFO/UAP) reports on my desk at the moment from the upper North Island and Northland [...]
Posted on 2024-02-24 21:52:20