Articles tagged with “california”

The UFO Casebook has dug up an old photo of a cigar-shaped object that was spotted over Barstow, California in the end of May last year. The below photo and witness statement was submitted to MUFON on August 6, 2011. While the object sure looks like a stray cloud, the symmetry makes for an interesting image.
Air traffic control at socal tracon (east feeder sector, 124.05 frequency, Los Angeles Arrivals) cube like object that grew in size from 2x2x2 to nearly 10x10x10 and disappeared. Reported to two aircraft descending out of 14000ft inbound to lax. (air Canada at approximately 1735z, and a United Airlines at approximately 1740z

This video was captured in Fresno, California on Friday, May 11, 2012. What seems to be a pretty unimpressive piece of footage takes a weird turn (quite literally) at the 10 minute mark. What do you guys make of this one? Could the sudden change of direction be an optical illusion created by the palm tree leaves moving in the wind?
Posted on 2024-02-24 21:52:20