Articles tagged with “texas”

On January 6, 2012, Gary Q. Richards was out in a local Cibolo, Texas park photographing nature. At one point he took a picture of a tree soaking in the Texan sun and didn't think much about it. However, when he got back home and transferred the pictures to his computer, he saw something that he didn't notice while out in the park.
4:00 am. Beautiful bright light hovering on top of Franklin mountains. Appeared white in color also seemed to have some sort of red tiny light that would show up spontaneously. It hovered for about 4 minutes- going dim, to nearly invisible, then bright again. Another smaller light appeared to the lower right of it and it appeared to have unstable light sequences of red, blue and purple. It gave the illusion of moving closer to my proximity then vanishing. Luckily these objects were caught on video! These lights remained until 4:40 am. Very astonishing to witness.
Posted on 2024-02-24 21:52:20