Articles tagged with “ufo”

This video was captured in Fresno, California on Friday, May 11, 2012. What seems to be a pretty unimpressive piece of footage takes a weird turn (quite literally) at the 10 minute mark. What do you guys make of this one? Could the sudden change of direction be an optical illusion created by the palm tree leaves moving in the wind?

The connection? None, unfortunately. Just three unrelated stories I thought were worth sharing with you guys.
I’m reading John B. Alexander’s UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities at the moment, and found the recent Electric Politics interview with Mr. Alexander quite interesting.
John has had a unique experience looking into the UFO question from [...]

Interesting reasoning from the former MUFON director James Carrion, who says the entirety of UFO phenomena is explainable as a historical government plot to, initially, scare the Russians:
A careful analysis of the events that surround June and July 1947, the birth date of the modern day UFO era shows that [...]

A couple from Cambridge, Ontario reports photographing a pyramid-shaped UFO moving rapidly over the city around a cloud cover on May 3, 2012. This is from the MUFON UFO sightings database:
My husband called me outside to look at the pending storm clouds coming in. (I’m a weather enthusiast–I love storms) [...]
Posted on 2024-02-24 21:52:20