Articles tagged with “wikileaks”

Assange speaks about references to UFOs in the embassy cables during the first WikiLeaks Roundtable.
The WikiLeaks Roundtable is a new forum for WikiLeaks to talk to everyone around the world. In the past we have often spoken to the public through the press, but we are dedicated to bringing important news [...]

Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten has found what the Guardian could not — references to UFOs in the WikiLeaks embassy cables. Similarly to the Guardian, Aftenposten asked its readers what they wanted the newspaper to search for in the cables. Several readers suggested UFOs, and Aftenposten found 16 matches in 5 of [...]

Update: Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten did find references to UFOs in the embassy cable archive.)
British newspaper The Guardian has recently been publishing blog posts under the title You ask, we search, asking its readers what they want the newspaper to search for in the WikiLeaks cables.
The Guardian is one of the [...]

So, this is pretty interesting. Website recently published an article about some unexpected visitors turning up in their logs, seemingly indicating that the U.S. Navy is searching the web for a certain Bob Dean in relation to WikiLeaks and UFOs.
Not surprisingly, the conclusion drawn is that WikiLeaks is sitting [...]

During the Guardian Q&A with Julian Assange last Friday, the WikiLeaks founder said what every UFO researcher and believer wanted to hear — that some yet-to-be-published embassy cables indeed include references to UFOs.
Following this highly anticipated statement, a collective gasp flowed through the UFO community and innumerable blog posts and [...]

On the topic of WikiLeaks and the potential for UFO documents to surface — English newspaper The Guardian held a Q&A with Julian Assange today, and many interesting questions were asked. This one in particular caught my attention:
Reader achanth asked: Mr Assange, have there ever been documents forwarded to you which deal with the topic of UFOs or extraterrestrials?

Whistleblower organization WikiLeaks is seeing a lot of media coverage lately, as Swedish prosecutors seek to detain spokes person Julian Assange for questioning in an alleged sexual abuse case. Regardless of the outcome of the impending questioning or trial, WikiLeaks remains an important organization that might prove tremendously valuable to [...]
Posted on 2024-02-24 21:52:20